Saturday, January 16, 2010

Scientist Announces miracle cure for arthritis

In a country that, like the United States of America, has, according to Frederic Golden (`` Times''), about 16 million arthritic and osteoarthritic should not be necessary to invest large amount in advertising to launch a book on healing arthritis.

But Jason Theosakis young doctor who specializes in preventive medicine and sports, it is those who believe that does not hurt (my grandmother used to say that what is too sick), and therefore invested heavily in the launch of his book `` The Arthritis Cure''(St. Martins' Press).

He had one more reason to wait to sell 100 thousand copies of the first draft: that it is presented on TV climbing cliffs and doing exercises that require mobility of joints.

At the same time, had that a few months before, was virtually paralyzed by osteoarthritis, which limited the use of crutches and eventually a wheelchair. Said the new drug produced a `` true''miracle.

And that `` miracle''lived in two supplements he was taking with meals: glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, substances produced by the body, which form the lining of the articular cartilage.

The first stimulates the production of units of the cartilage, while the second blocks the enzymes that break down old cartilage.

The `` miracle''was already known in Europe since 1980 and is used to treat arthritis in dogs and horses, also applied use in the U.S..

Discouraged with conventional therapies, Jason decided to use a system based on two parts: the first consisted of the conventional recipes (ice, anti-inflammatory drugs, exercise, proper nutrition, etc.), the second were two food additives in pills.

Important to remember that not to be confused with osteoarthritis, due to wear of the joints for use with rheumatoid arthritis, a condition completely distinct autoimmune disease, ie, in which the body's specific defenses turn against certain tissues, attacking them and injuring them. Much remains to be explored in the treatment recommended by Jason. As the alleged effects are many, it is necessary to separate them for serious statistical analysis that is in progress.

It is an essay called `` duplocego'', in which neither the doctors who give the drugs to patients know if it is placebo or remedy.

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